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Few words about myself


Hi, I’m Szymon Miks Software Engineer based in Lębork, Poland.

I’ve been working in IT industry since 2016.

My first contact with programming was in junior high school, and it was C++ 😄

I started my professional career with PHP and HTML/CSS as a web developer in a small company in my home city Lębork. Then I was charmed by Python and I decided to start a new journey as a Python developer 🐍

Topics that I’m interested in:

  • software engineering
  • craftsmanship
  • clean architecture
  • clean code
  • design patterns
  • pragmatism in software development
  • microservices
  • modular monoliths
  • DDD (Domain Driven Design)
  • CQRS
  • event sourcing
  • event storming

Occasionally, I do blog about topics related to software engineering.

I’m always looking for new opportunities and challenges to grow my skills. I love Python and the whole environment and community around this language.

You can contact me at: contact@szymonmiks.pl

My homepage - https://szymonmiks.pl/


Husband, dad, married to my lovely wife 👫. Interested in philosophy and enterprise 🏦.

I’ve tried myself in startups (side projects) but none of them brought me any money 😄

  • Gene Calc - tool dedicated for calculations related to biological sciences, especially focused in field of genetics
  • Job for specialist - free publication of job advertisements
  • Gene Intelligence - intelligent system for markers selection - advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to explore the associations between genes and phenotypes

I’m a big fan of martial arts. I used to train in high school and now decided to get back to it!

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PS. I love sunny weather and the sea! 😎 ☀️ 🌊 I’m a lucky man because my city is near Łeba city so most of my free time during summer I spend there.

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Last updated on Feb 27, 2022 00:00 UTC
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